DCT was created by I'zimzizi Lhuil(Formerly Atheza Rosethorn), Baidar Vipre(Formerly Boen Dark), Erisamuna Oakstone, and Keldion Aergwilf

Interested in fighting? Sign-up here.



Staff Members


The DCT fight system was created with inspiration from the Grindstone. The counter system was put in place after a recommendation from Opalarie Ulfe'dnar.

The rules for fighting are pretty straight forward:-Fighting posts are to be done in /yell or /shout - depending on the pit you enter, listen to the designated
Announcer for which chat you will be in.
-Both fighters /random and the person with the higher roll goes first.-Fighter A will write out their attack as an attempt and then /random.-Fighter B will /random and if they roll higher than Fighter A, they successfully block/dodge the attack. If they roll lower, then the attack succeeds.-Based on the outcome of the roll, Fighter B will write out their reaction (Dodging, getting hit, etc) and then write out their counter attack.-Rinse and repeat.-3 OOC hits to win.COUNTER ATTACKS1. Person A does their attack roll.2. If Person B's defense roll is 500 or more HIGHER than Person A's attack roll, they can try for a counter attack.3. Person A and B both roll again as if it is an attack roll by Person B (Person B goes first)4. If the attack roll succeeds, Person B gets a point and RPs the counter attack as a success.5. Person B proceeds to their next attack turn as normal and the fight continues.EXAMPLE:
A: tries to kick them in the head
A rolls 120
B rolls 750
(counter attack)
B rolls 800
A rolls 600
B: Grabs them by the foot and tosses them into the wall, then rushes forward to attempt a kick to their chest.
B rolls 300
A rolls 560
(Person B gets a point for the successful counter attack, but misses their normal attack roll. The points in this situation would be 1-0 with Person B in the lead.)
If Person A's defense roll were 500 or more higher than Person B's normal attack roll, they could also roll for a counter attack.
If a counter attack roll fails, the attempt is ignored and the fight proceeds as usual. You can not get a counter attack by rolling a high defense on a counter attack roll.
KNOCKOUTS1. You can only use the KO option if you are at least ONE point ahead of your opponent.2. Your first roll must be higher than 300, your second roll must be higher than 500, and your third roll must be higher than 7003. If you fail your rolls, your turn is over and it is counted as a missFIGHTS HAVE A 20MIN TIME LIMIT! We do this so that everyone can get a chance to fight and also to avoid drawn out dodge battles. At the end of the 20min, if no one has won, then the person in the lead will be declared the winner. In the event of a tie, the two fighters will roll to determine the winner. The timer begins once the first fighter posts.
These rules are subject to change and the final call comes down to the ref so don't be a baby if you lose. We don't keep diapers on hand.
Please don't enter the fighting pit until told to do so by the Ref! We will keep a list of fighters and call you up in order of who entered first. If you wish to fight someone specific please let the Ref know so we can pair you with them!
BETTING INFOAs part of the Crimson Dark Tavern, we aim to not only provide entertainment but also the opportunity for our patrons to earn that sweet, sweet Gil during the event!Gil bets are at a fixed rate. The default bets that we run for each round are 50,000.How does this work Before each fight, there will be an short amount of time for people to place their bets with the bookie working that night. The bookie will open a trade with you, collect payment and distribute winnings after the fight.How do I earn Gil? Once you have placed your bet, pray that your chosen fighter wins. If you're lucky and win. The Gil placed on the losing fighter will be distributed evenly among the winning betters, along with their initial bet back.What does Crimson Dark Tavern get from this? The company takes a percentage cut of the pot that is distributed among the winners. The cut the house takes goes towards paying its staff who help run the event.Example
Boen and Keldion bet 10k on Fighter 1.
You place 10k on Fighter 2.
Fighter 2 loses the fight.
The 10k pot on fighter 2, has 10% deducted from it which goes to the house. 9K pot remains.
Boen and Keldion both recieve their initial 10k bet back, with an additional 4.5k ontop of it, making their total 14.5k
All bets are placed prior to the fight starting, once a fight has started. Bets are no longer allowed to be placed.
If payment was no received before the fight, the bet is not placed.If you lose, do not ask for a refund. All bets are final once the fight starts.If a player forfeits or somehow 'throws' a match. All bets are refunded to the patrons. There is no cheating in this system.


Current Pit Champion
K'aldur Vulpes

Current Season Champion
Opiter Vulso

What are Season Champions?
DCT functions on leader boards that run through seasons. Each season lasts quarterly and the fighter who gets the most wins is crowned that season's champion and receives a gil prize, a shiny discord title, and their armor displayed in our Champion Showcase inside of DCT for the next season.
Our runner up for the season also receives their armor displayed at DCT -- but if they want the gil and the fame, they'll need to win first!What's a Pit Champion?
The Pit Champion is a former Season Champion who has come out on top during the last Pit Champion Challenge. A title reserved for only Season Champions to fight over, the current Pit Champion can be challenged for their title once every two weeks during a season. Pit champions receive a shiny discord role to gloat, and...that's it! Bragging rights if they can maintain their title by the end of the season.

Previous Season Champions

Kalos MontantuSamira EshanaBoen DarkJulien Ornstein
Season 1 ChampionSeason 2 ChampionSeason 3 ChampionSeason 4 Champion
Arnstein AzoryaK'aldur VulpesAhldtrach YbolgundsynMynanmerl Eyridhemwyn
Season 5 ChampionSeason 7 ChampionSeason 8 ChampionSeason 9 Champion
Carmen AderiShieke HyskarisDuma VestrasOpiter Vulso
Season 10 ChampionSeason 11 ChampionSeason 12 ChampionSeason 13 Champion